What level admin you want.
My Current Level is 15
-What server you want it for.
ACR Unlimited
-Why you feel you deserve it.
I could list bunch of previously stated reasons in other admin applications made by others, or, I could just simply hope that you know why I deserve it. I think I'll go with the first one, as it is probably better.
!listmaps and !listlayouts What's the harm with these? All I get is the ability to look at what maps the server has and what layouts it has.
!unlock and !lock I'm not really sure when these will come in handy, but I guess if they're there, there must be a reason.
!revert I want this because one day, someone deconned the RC right in the middle of a rant raiding our base. I want to prevent this from happening again.
!map I know I should only use this if someone does a poll for a map and it passes, or if I'm the only one on.
!lockall Basically a faster way to do !lock a and then !lock h. So, if I deserve !lock, I think I deserve !lockall
!unlockall Same as !lockall but the opposite.
!nrmlsd I don't think that I will ever need to use this, but sure. Why not.
!ffon I have never been on where a vote is called for ff to be on, and there is no other admin on, but it could happen, so I would like this to.
!ffoff Same as !ffon but the opposite except for the part where it says: there is no other admin on.
!fbfon Same as !ffon, and if someone gets stuck behind something, or it is sd and someone built around a spawn, and the stuff needs to be killed.
!fbfoff Same as above for after I'm done.
!kick I like this command because If I need to kick someone for team switching non stop or something else, but they are level 2, I can do !kick, and get rid of them.
!kill I think this command is only useful for times like when - Blade or Bug, do you remember that time where there was someone on, Bug asked Blade to impersonate him and to tell him there was a way to get his evos back after !killing him because he was being extremely noobish to {ACR}, well, its useful in times like that.
I thought I'd make an App for the New Year