Name: {ACRit}WhiteGunner
Current Level: Level 11 {ACRit}Moderator
For Admin Level: Level 15 {ACRit}Active
For Server: ACR Unlimited
Current CMDS: !listplayers, !admintest, !help, !specme, !time, !info, !spec999, !allready, !listadmins, votekick immune, !putteam, !namelog, !nextmap, !designate, !showbans, !cancelvote, !passvote, Adminchat, !cp
Gained CMDS: !rename, !buildlog, !denybuild, !allowbuild, !mute, !unmute, !muteall, !unmuteall !warn
!rename: CMD used to rename any player (I don't think i can rename higher level admins)
!buildlog: When used, a list of either or both team's build logs are shown. (Buildlogs may expire)
!denybuild: When used, the specified player's name will no longer be able to build for the duration of the game
!allowbuild: Can only be used if the player has been denied building rights
!mute: Mutes a selected player
!unmute: Unmutes a currently muted player
!muteall: Mutes everyone in the server
!unmuteall: Unmutes everyone in the server (If they've been muted already)
!warn: Warns a single or every player in the server
Last poll for level 11 was at: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:49 pm (Thats my time)
I'm applying for level 15 to recieve the CMDS: !buildlog, !denybuild, !allowbuild and !warn
There's been some deconners, glitch builders and spawn builders (Building around a spawn)
I know level 15 cant revert yet. Thats at level 18 but i didn't want to apply up 7levels. So for now if i get this level, i can !denybuild those deconners or glitch builders then !warn them.