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 Luci spamming

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PostSubject: Luci spamming   Luci spamming Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Question: What is spamming exactly? Is it setting luci mines (luci shots that hang in midair) or is it having a cloud of shots hanging around your head wherever you go, or is it just fireing more thatn 3 shots at once? So far, ive seen people do all 3 of these things and not know if it is ok to kick them for it. Without a clear definition of what luci spamming is, people are going to be acusing one antoher of spamming left and right, and using it as an excuse for kicking somone who has been doing well with a luci. So, I would appriciate at the least an admin responding to this post with a definition or at best acually puting the definition in the !info rules for referance later on.

Thanks, Bassguyty (lvl 0)
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PostSubject: Re: Luci spamming   Luci spamming Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2011 2:39 pm

18. No Spamming: Dont spam, whether its through luci or text. You may spam a little, but try to keep it to around 10 phrases and once per game. This is just to maintain the normal flow of text. In reference to luci there is a difference from attacking someone while AIMING over and over, and attacking someone RANDOMLY over and over.

that is what is down in the rules
our definition of spamming really consists of
' is he actually shooting @ a target or is he just randomly shooting up a corridor
in the hopes that an alien will appear and die on his luci balls ' ect


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PostSubject: Re: Luci spamming   Luci spamming Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2011 3:41 pm

theres too much gray area when it comes to this, but i have noticed alot of spammers on unlimited (especially Red). bassguy, i suggest just making a judgment call and decide whether or not youre seeing spam, and we can deal with it after trhe fact. also, we should have a lucispam cp (!lucispam), with the definition.
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PostSubject: Re: Luci spamming   Luci spamming Icon_minitime

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