[Level 9]
Name = Friend of {ACR}
Commands = !listplayers, !admintest, !help, !specme, !time, !info, !spec999, !allready, !listadmins, votekick immune, !putteam, !namelog, !nextmap, !designate, !showbans, !cancelvote
[Level 11]
Name = {ACR} Moderator
Commands = !listplayers, !admintest, !help, !specme, !time, !info, !spec999, !allready, !listadmins, votekick immune, !putteam, !namelog, !nextmap, !designate, !showbans, !cancelvote, !passvote, !cp
**looks at the cmds**
note the only difference is the passvote and cp..... since i dnt use passvote... n cp is really in any way no dancer to the players... i c no way i can abuse...... n i dnt see u on the servers ... im on regularly where u b at?..... n u can ask any 1 that knows me that abuse is not in my record