Name: {ACRit}|Somnus
Server: ACR Unlimited
Current level:20
Going for: 25
Commands Gained: !pause, !unpause, !devmap, !readconfig, !restart, !stage1, !stage3, !tloff, !tlnorm, !bp200, !bp300
Why: Despite the fact I got recently rejected I'm going for 25 again simply because I just witnessed the 3rd game in 2 days that needed a !tloff and no one was around to do it. Then of course there's the rest of the spiel like I don't abuse, been in the clan for a long time, got over my glitchbuilding addiction (which wasn't doing anything harmful anyways), been waiting for about a month and half, and of course NEED !tloff. Then there's the rest of the commands which really don't do anything useful besides !pause but I'll do what pip did and explain them all anyways
!pause: for decons
!unpause: for decons
!devmap: for screwing around when its empty
!readconfig: readconfig...
!restart: if the server really gets screwed up
!stage1-3: to open the doors on uncreation
!TLOFF: to turn the time limit off
!tlnorm: to reset the time limit
!bp200: sets bp to 200
!bp300: sets bp to 300
So there you go: once again an f1 always helps and I really see no reason to f2...
Btw if this passes last app ever: no other useful commands beyond this (unless vyrus makes a new one)